14 August 24 | Rego is open!
Come play games at Pheno! Check out Sign up for Pheno for access to the Regotron 1000!
Come play games at Pheno! Check out Sign up for Pheno for access to the Regotron 1000!
Check out Going on a Dragon Hunt! and The Changer Lane Incident!
Pheno 2024 marks the 30th year of Phenomenon. A pearl anniversary to celebrate 30 years of our wonderful community and excellent games, and to console Morph over their mascot-pattern receding hair-line.
You can wander through the nostalgia (and slightly erratic website coding) in our Archives.
Having grown to maturity in a curated aquarium, the now adult Pheno site is re-introduced to the wild. It's an Attenborough moment.
With the slow pulse of the tides new life blooms on the Pheno shoreline. A shoal of blurbs grow sleek and tasty: every one a pearler!
In a result that surprises no-one...