Random Inc presents, a Phenomenon Labs production
a games convention
Phenomenon 2007

Phenomenon 2007


charmer Morph & friend

Fakir Morpharama conjuring something special for the triptychs.

The Triptych

Triptych (trip-tick) n. A picture or carving on three panels able to fold over the centre; a set of three associated works so placed esp. as a centre piece; a set of three writing tablets hinged or tied together; a set of three artistic works; such used as an altar piece; a treatise in three parts.

Each year, Pheno invites three respected designers to present a systemless single session game as part of a triptych. Each game showcases what we consider the best of Pheno roleplaying: characterisation, drama, entertainment, innovation. Each game will be judged separately, but teams competing in all three games will also be eligible for the Triptych Perpetual Trophy.

Quest: Mask of Heroes

A multiform by John Hughes

The myth is strong. The myth wants you back.


It began with a wild rush of adrenalin and almost-forgotten laughter. It became something more. In the game, you find communion. In the game, you believe in who you are.

In 2007, 4R Futures release Quest upon an unsuspecting world. In playing the game, you become heroes of high adventure in a Dark Age fantasy Europe. And with virtual body meshing and biofeedback, your character mimics your appearance, your feelings, your very soul...

In the Quest, five friends and strangers find exhilaration and purpose for their disordered lives. Then, with the Tournament of Nations, it offers the chance of wealth, fame, and more.

And in the background, an election, a government in crisis, and whispers of a new nation.

Quest—it's every game you've ever played.

Quest—create who you are.

Quest—for five everyday disasters.

party1 party2

Being a deconstruction of sorts, of the games we play and why we play them. A seduction of heroes.

For more, visit http://mythologic.info/quest/

Pheno ratings
Characterisation 5 Genre 1 to 5 (seriously!) Rules knowledge 0
Story/plot 3.5 Seriousness 2 to 4 (ditto) Advisory rating R (coarse language, racial references, adult concepts)

+ top 

Six Soldiers

by Jacinta Thomler

Once upon a time a great evil swept across the land. Six soldiers stepped forward together, to stand between it and harm, to utter their defiance. From the outside, it is a straightforward story
From small beginnings, they fought long and hard together. Companions fell and were replaced. You know you are replaceable. The next in line is always waiting.
Last to join was the rebel, swayed by the heroine for the cause was just and his heart was pure. Naïve? Saving his skin? Lust?
In the terrible final battle the medic, with them from the beginning, lost her life. Her memory will be honored forevermore. Memories. Better or worse than survival?
Thanks to these soldiers — heroes all — the land is free. Life is never as simple from the inside.

A thematic game for a hero, heroine, veteran, rookie and rebel — set after the victory celebrations.

Pheno ratings
Characterisation 5 Genre 0 Rules knowledge 0
Story/plot 3 Seriousness 4 Advisory rating MA (adult themes)

+ top 

Those Left Behind

By David James

The hero, (and sidekick/love interest/comedy relief), arrived at the secret lair of the Evil Person In Charge, (EPIC). They battled through all the traps, fought all the monsters and the mooks, stopped the doomsday machine and killed the EPIC. Hero and Love Interest then rode away to live happily ever after.

Great. Guess who has to clean all this mess up? Now what do we do?

A single session game of consequences and motivations for five "evil doers" left behind after their EPIC has been killed and his plans stopped.

Requiring: A Trusted Lieutenant, A Mad Scientist, A Spy, A Loyal Thug and a Lap Minion.

Pheno ratings
Characterisation 5 Genre 0 Rules knowledge 0
Story/plot 4 Seriousness 3.5 Advisory rating MA

+ top 

Previous triptychs


Liz Argall — Being There

Joe McNamara — Killing De Villefort

Ingrid Bean — rebirthing Eden


Stuart Barrow — The Mask and the Moonlight

Xole Karman — Familiar

Andrew Smith — Something Wonderful


Robbie Matthews — Mayhem Over Manhattan

Peter Rousell — Last Night in Eden

Eric Henry — The Fishbowl


David James — Can you go home again?

Mike Walker — Psi

Ingrid Bean — Silence


Ben Hunter — Project Hydra

Robert Barbetti — Something Wicked

Mark Bruckard — This Way Comes


Larry Larkin — Once upon a time

Ryan d'Argeavel — I knew she was trouble the minute she walked into my office

Jon Naughton — They don't advertise for killers in a newspaper


Michael Hitchens — You are Number 4, I am Number 6

Caitlin May — What is Honour?

Tony Guyot — Citius Altius Fortiu

1999 [The year Pheno ate Cancon]

Richard Canning — Memory Lost

Jo Ellem — Signor Jacemo's Circus of Wonder

Morgan Morningstar — Redemption


Liz Argall — When I Meet My Family

Felix White — Lost Highway

Scott Walton & Daniel Wilks — Spazmo


Andrew Smith — Fatalism

Diana Leithead — The Charity Gig

Antti Roppola — Understanding Ellen West


Richard Percy — Covenant

Mark Barnes — Prometheus Rising

Brent Steves — Graenlendinga Saga


John Hughes — Fallen Angel

Madi — Freaks

Grant Allen & Lindsay Beaton — Portents


Ian Wanless — The Breaking

Robert MacLean — Faded Giant

Chris Slee — Uncle Jurgen's Happy Hour
