Carpe Tigris

By Chris and Mark

Somethin' seems to be buggin' Claudia Tyger. But null perspiration, chummers. She's chilled and she's organised a meet with you to discuss a job she's scored.


Carpe Tigris is a two round Virtual Seattle game for 4-7

(preferably 5) skilful shadowrunners.

This game is brought to you by The EGD and Naughty Weasels.

GM: What would you call a Shadowrun that doesn't involve "Shadowrunners"?

Player: Normal Life?

GM: There's nothing 'Normal' about this day!

It's 9am, Tuesday October 12 2062!

Do you know where you are?


Éas you come around you can hear a beeping sound, this place smells very clean - sterile in fact, you feel stiff and sore all over... You slowly open your eyes and discover you are on a hospital bed, there are curtains on three sides and a wall behind. The beeping sound is coming from the beds monitor panel near your right shoulder. From what you can see you would guess you have been in a fairly major accident of some form... Within a minute or two of your coming around the curtain at the foot of the bed opens and a Nurse steps to the side of your bed. He checks the panel and shuts off the monitors audio functions...

Well now you know where you areÉ

But the big question isÉ

Why are you here?


A five player simplified 'Shadowrun' set in a ward of The Canberra Hospital.

Little to no rules knowledge required but some 'world' knowledge would be helpful.

Brought to you by: CrashWerx

Written by: CypherFox (Rick Clery)