August 2000 brings the long-anticipated release of Dungeons & Dragons, 3rd Edition. For many of us D&D gave us our first experiences at roleplaying, and the thought of a new version brings with it a sense of anticipation. But will it be any different? Will it be worth the wait, or will it just sap the wallet without much benefit?


PHENOMENON is proud to be the official Australian launch of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition. Come along and try the new version of the rules yourself. Enroll in the 3rd Edition game written for Gencon, where the worldwide release of Dungeon & Dragons will occur, or create your own character for one of the ongoing Dungeons & Dragons campaigns &endash; Living Greyhawk or Living Death.

Player's Handbook


August 10 2000

Dungeon Master's Guide


September 11 2000

Monster Manual


October 16 2000